15 March 2019
From next April, 29th to May, 2nd, about 30 professors and professionals from the higher education sector from Lebanon, Morocco, Spain, France and Italy and will meet in Lebanon to discuss how to improve Moroccan and Lebanese higher education and academic research in the context of Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves. The initiative is promoted in the framework of the EU-Funded Erasmus+ Capacity Building Edu-BioMed project (https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/projects/eplus-project-details/#project/598924-EPP-1-2018-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP), under the auspices of the UNESCO International Center for the Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves.
14 February 2019
The Spanish Network of Biosphere Reserves has published a new summary report concerning the tracking of the Phonological programme of the Spanish Network of Biosphere Reserves, studying it's progress since it was born, and up to the year 2018. This report contains the main results, activities and conclussions of this program throughout the years.
This has been possible thanks to the labour of the Biosphere Reserves' mangers and paorticulartly to the selfless work of users, volunteers and collaborators.
The report is available for reading and download in the following link:
13 February 2019
This month we have had the pleasure to talk to the manager of the Intercontinental Biosphere Reserve of the Mediterranian (Spain-Morocco): Milagros Pérez Villalba. She went through the main satisfactions and difficulties that implies being the only intercontinental Biosphere Reserve that exists and what does the Intercontinental Biosphere Reserve of the Mediterranian need to face from now on.
12 February 2019
Teresa Romanillos holds a Master's degree in Scientific Communication (2000) from the Pompeu Fabra University and a bachelor's degree in Medicine and Surgery (1973) from the University of Barcelona. She's specialized in internal medicine (1988) and cardiology (2002). Her work includes the publication of the books: "Les plantes tòxiques de Catalunya", "El agua y la vida" and "El Parc Natural del Montseny", as well as the article "Protected Natural Areas: In Sickness and in Health. International journal of environmental research and public health".
Since 2016, she is doing the Doctorate studies at the Institute of Science and Environmental Technology (ICTA-UAB) at the Conservation, Biodiversity and Global Change research group, with Dr. Martí Boada, and she's participating in the projects "Forests and Health" and "Biogeography and Health".
8 February 2019
The first young IberoMaB forum has been carried out in the "Bosques de la Paz" International Biosphere Reserve, between Peru and Ecuador, from the 5th to the 8th of December.
15 January 2019
The UNESCO´s General Director, Audrey Azoulay, and the Minister for the Ecological Transition, Teresa Ribera, have met today with representatives from Abertis and its Foundation in Madrid´s headquarters of the Group. The objective of the meeting has been the presentation of the International UNESCO Center for the Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves, located in the Abertis Foundation´s headquarters, as successful case of public-private partnership, and to expose the impact and value of such collaboration in terms of benefit to society and environment.