
First Youth Forum IBERO

This event was carried out aiming to promote the participation of young people who are part of the IberoMab network into a horizontal, inclusive and transparent coworking, related to social, political, economic, cultural, educational and envirnmental aspects of behaviour. This project also looks to identify how to influence in relieving the problems and needs that the youth of the Biosphere reserves have to face. With this purpose, 89 representatives of 43 Biosphere reserves from 23 different countries gathered in this meeting.

Along with the MaB Program, the main guests of this forum were: Ecuador and Peru governments and their MaB focal points, the "Bosque Seco" communitiy, the biosphere Reserves "Bosque Seco" (Ecuador) and "Noreste AmoTapes-Manglares" (Peru), wich together conform the "Bosques de la Paz" international reserve. The Loja University though the Technical Formation Biational Centre of Zapotepamba, as well as Belgium's Flanders government, the spanish government through the Independet Ognatzation of National Parks (OAPN), as well as spanish cooperation in Ecuador, Itaipu Binational, San Francisco University in Quito, and Galapagos conservation Trust. In this setting, the international UNESCO Centre for Mediterranean biosphere reserves took part in the forum, providing it's knowledge and experience in the coordination and promotion of the Mediterranean biosphere reserves network 

Specifically, participation was made during the Opening Ceremony and the Master Conference, were the involvement of the Abertis Foundation and the UNESCO centre was exhibited, as well as their academic labour, presenting the lines of research that take part in the context of the International University Campus of the Centre.

Aditionally, the UNESCO Centre was present during the working sessions on track of constructing tha declaration and the action plan of the Youth Network of the Iberoamerican Biosphere Reserves.

Finally, and with the will of sharing the knowledge generated form the UNESCO centre, a stand was displayed during the exhibition to explain the work of promoting and exposing the Mediterranean biosphere reserves through the files produced from the UNESCO Centre to each of these reserves.

In the same way, it was relevant to participate in the siblinghood agreement between the Finds Vendettes Municipality (Haití) and Cantón Paltas (Ecuador). this participation materialized in how easy it was to carry out both the reunions as well as the first steps in their relationships and the translation between both partners.

Beyond the discussion of initiative and knowledge, the first youth forum of IberoMaB was carried out around the creation of the Declaration of the First Youth Forum from IberoMaB, a document that has anded up gathering the wills expressed during the forum, and that it is classified in the agreements of the 2030 Agenda for sustainable growth, the Action plan of Lima concieved for the Man and Biosphere program in UNESCO and it's global network of biosphere reserves (2016-2025) the Santa Marta Agreements in the XVIII meetingo of the IberoMaB network (Colombia, 2018) and the Final Declaration of the youth Forum of the MaB Program form UNESCO (Delta Po Biosphere Reserve, Italy, 2017)



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