14 November 2019
Recently and coinciding with the Day of Biosphere Reserves, last November 3 several Spanish media have echoed the activities developed at the UNESCO International Centre for Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves as well as the Network of Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves (RRBBMed). In the news and articles dedicated to the dissemination of this project, the press has highlighted the importance and functions of Biosphere Reserves
26 September 2019
The students of the ICTA-UAB Master's Degree in Interdisciplinary Studies in Environmental, Economic and Social Sustainability attended the Castellet Castle -the headquarters of the UNESCO International Centre for Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves- today on the occasion of the inauguration of the new university course at the UAB Campus of Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves.
6 June 2019
Ya está disponible el número 26 del Boletín del Comité Español del Programa MaB y de la Red Española de Reservas de la Biosfera, donde se anuncia el nuevo acuerdo entre UNESCO y el Reino de España, relativo al Centro Internacional de las Reservas de la Biosfera Mediterráneas que tuvo lugar el pasado 25 de abril de 2019 en el castillo de Castellet.
Consultable en: https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/parques-nacionales-oapn/reservas-biosfera/boletin-rerb-26_tcm30-497422.pdf
10 May 2019
Nizar Hani, manager of the Shouf Biosphere Reserve, sets out four broad objectives of the reserve: to protect and preserve nature, to support the local community in a sustainable manner, to put the reserve on the map of the global reserves and to work on the capacity building of the team.
9 April 2019
Clémence Moreau holds a Phd Degree in Geography of Montpellier University (2019). She is specialized in Human and Social Geography.
18 March 2019
After the Call for Joint Proposals, which aims to promote across-borders collaboration between territories, the UNESCO International Center for the Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves has awarded two projects with an amount of 10,000 € each. One of this two projects is the MEL Project.