
Meeting between Abertis Foundation, the UNESCO´s General Director, Audrey Azoulay, and the Minister for the Ecological Transition, Teresa Ribera, in Madrid

The UNESCO´s General Director, Audrey Azoulay, and the Minister for the Ecological Transition, Teresa Ribera, have met today with representatives from Abertis and its Foundation in Madrid´s headquarters of the Group. The objective of the meeting has been the presentation of the International UNESCO Center for the Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves, located in the Abertis Foundation´s headquarters, as successful case of public-private partnership, and to expose the impact and value of such collaboration in terms of benefit to society and environment. They took part at the meeting also Juan P. de Laiglesia, Secretary of State for International Cooperation for Iberoamericas and the Carribean; Juan Andrés Perelló, Embassador for Spain to UNESCO; Miquel Roca, Secretary of Abertis´ Management Board; and Sergi Loughney, Director of Abertis Foundation, among others. Audrey Azoulay emphasized the Center as a ¨exemplary form of collaboration between UNESCO and the private sector¨. From its side, from the Ministery they underlined the Abertis example as ¨the accomplishment of a social responsible company with the 2030 Agenda of Sustainable Development promoted by United Nations¨. Also, the director of Abertis Foundation Sergi Loughney stressed ¨the positive impact and the high value of this collaboration¨ and invited other companies and institutions to bet on public-private partnership through similar initiatives as ¨method to endorse social progress and environmental protection¨.


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