From next April, 29th to May, 2nd, about 30 professors and professionals from the higher education sector from Lebanon, Morocco, Spain, France and Italy and will meet in Lebanon to discuss how to improve Moroccan and Lebanese higher education and academic research in the context of Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves. The initiative is promoted in the framework of the EU-Funded Erasmus+ Capacity Building Edu-BioMed project (, under the auspices of the UNESCO International Center for the Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves.
A series of workshops will be organized in Bzoummar village and will develop around some main topics: (i) development of IT Tools for interdisciplinary, collaborative and citizen science research; (ii) the identification of some ´hot spot´ case studies inside Lebanese and Moroccan BRs; (iii) the definition of mobility strategies for students and post-doc between Morocco and Lebanon; (iv) education material production in the context of Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves; (v) curricula upgrading in the same context, (vi) proposal for environmental policy reform in the various countries. Furthermore, the participants will have the occasion to visit Jabal Moussa and Shouf Biosphere Reserves