
The media echoes the Network of Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves

Recently and coinciding with the Day of Biosphere Reserves, last November 3 several Spanish media have echoed the activities developed at the UNESCO International Centre for Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves as well as the Network of Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves (RRBBMed). In the news and articles dedicated to the dissemination of this project, the press has highlighted the importance and functions of Biosphere Reserves:

La Vanguardia pointed out that “the reserves are one of the main laboratories for predicting both the effects that the increase in global temperature may generate and for configuring the bases of the solution: a truly sustainable development”.

They also recalled the role played by the Abertis Foundation, which since 2015 has been based at the UNESCO International Centre for Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves in Castellet Castle (Barcelona), where it is working to protect some 70 reserves located in 15 countries on both shores of the Mediterranean.

In El Español they also pointed out that since 2016 “there is the Campus of Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves with which the Abertis Foundation actively collaborates, in collaboration with the UAB, which teaches the Master's Degree in Interdisciplinary Studies in Environmental, Economic and Social Sustainability of the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology (ICTA-UAB)”.

The newspaper also recalled that “the European Commission awarded one of the Erasmus+ programmes to the UNESCO International Centre for Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves about a year ago”.

Along the same lines, OKDiario describes the UNESCO International Centre as "one of the centres for the dissemination of ideas, projects and knowledge that serves, as explained by the Abertis Foundation, as a stimulus to interest in natural and cultural heritage, being a paradigm of sustainable heritage management”.

Finally, Roser Maneja, doctor in environmental sciences, researcher at ICTA-UAB and technical coordinator of the UNESCO Centre for Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves, has been interviewed by El Periódico in an extensive article dedicated to them, where they highlight how the reserves “seek to continue conserving their biodiversity, with all the benefits that this entails: environmental, social, health and sustainable economic development. Something that, undoubtedly, must serve as an example for the entire planet if we want to effectively confront not only the climate emergency, but also peace and justice, especially in North Africa and the Near East”.

As Roser Maneja concludes, “reserves are ideal laboratories for environmental research, yes, but at the same time they can play a key role in establishing peace dialogues and generating the necessary conditions so that their inhabitants are not forced to risk their lives to look for an opportunity in another continent”.


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