27 December 2021
The Journal of protected mountain areas research and management publishes an article on governance processes in the Arganareda Biosphere Reserve in Morocco. The results of the research point to a complex network of actors in the Reserve and the importance of informal collaboration networks in the development of action plans.
13 December 2021
Two new sections, Events and Multimedia, are now available on the UNESCOMED center’s website to reinforce our contribution in the dissemination and exchange of knowledge related to the Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves. We invite you to check upcoming and past events, and to contact us in case you want to announce your events in our website.
10 November 2021
Edu-BioMed partners have drafted a set of guidelines for Mediterranean Higher Education Institutions with the aim to further build their capacity to provide education in and around the topic of Biosphere Reserves and set the basis for future curricula development opportunities.
8 November 2021
After the pause imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic, the students of the ICTA-UAB Master of Interdisciplinary Studies in Environmental, Economic and Social Sustainability were welcomed again in the Castellet Castle for the inauguration of the new academic year of the International University Campus for Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves.
21 October 2021
El pasado día 20 de octubre nuestra directora científica, la Dra. Roser Maneja, presentó el centro UNESCOMED y la MedMaB como ejemplo de red de reservas de la biosfera durante el seminario “Las Reservas de la Biosfera y la Sostenibilidad”, en el que también participaron el Dr. Miguel Clusener-Godt y el Dr. Federico Mayor Zaragoza.
15 October 2021
During 2021, UNESCO's MaB Programme is celebrating its 50th anniversary with the theme It's about life! As a result of the restrictions due to the COVID19 pandemic, many activities planned for this year have been delayed. Therefore, the International Coordinating Council of the MaB Programme has decided to extend the celebration during 2022.