In 2021, UNESCO's Man and the Biosphere Programme (MaB) is celebrating its 50th anniversary with the theme It's about life!
This intergovernmental scientific programme was created in November 1971 with a vision: promote a sustainable connection between people and nature.
As it evolved, the original idea materialized in the designation of 'biosphere reserves', living laboratories that boost nature-based solutions for sustainable development. The first 57 biosphere reserves were designated in 1976. Today, the World Network of Biosphere Reserves counts 714 sites in 129 countries all over the world, including 21 transboundary sites.
At the same time, several regional and thematic networks of biosphere reserves have been created as a tool for international co-operation, playing a key role in the exchange of information and experiences. This is the case of the Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves Network (MedMaB), an initiative launched in 2015 by the UNESCOMED Center, enabling it to act as a platform for the exchange of knowledge between the two shores of the Mediterranean Sea.
The official launch of the celebration of the 50th anniversary was the inaugural session of the “UNESCO Forum on Biodiversity: On the road to Kunming” held on 24 March 2021. Since then, different international, national and local organizations have joined this celebration led by UNESCO. The Abertis Foundation and the UNESCOMED center are collaborating with the MaB Secretariat in the organization of a traveling exhibition to show off and tribute these 50 years of programme, which will be launched in Barcelona, Spain, at the end of the year.
As a result of the restrictions due to the COVID19 pandemic, many activities planned for this year have been delayed. Therefore, the International Coordinating Council of the MaB Programme has decided to extend the celebration during 2022.
More information about the 50th anniversary celebration can be found at