MedMAB | The Mediterranean
Biosphere Reserves Network

The  Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves Network (MedMaB) was launched on the 19th of June 2015. This initiative is the driving aim of the UNESCOMED Center, enabling it to act as a platform for the exchange of knowledge between the two shores of the Mediterranean Sea.

The Network was designed with the basis of a long-term programme that, through the UNESCO MaB Programme, integrates the application of the Madrid and Lima Action Plans, paying particular attention to the uniqueness of the cultural, social and environmental context of each region.

There are currently around 70 biosphere reserves from 17 countries (Albania, Algeria, Bulgaria, Croatia, France, Greece, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Montenegro, Morocco, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Slovenia, Spain and Tunisia) in the MedMaB. 

The main goal of the Network is to provide support and relevance to each biosphere reserve within the MedMaB. In this sense, the UNESCOMED Center works on the creation of monographic material about each of the biosphere reserves in the network, in order to raise awareness of their most characteristic sociocultural and environmental values (you can find the available material in the section Dossiers).

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