
UNESCOMED strengthens partnerships with the RERB

Maricarmen Romera,

After a long period of exclusively remote work, this 21st meeting of the Council of Managers of the Spanish Network of Biosphere Reserves (RERB), held in the Gran Canaria Biosphere Reserve, brings together managers from almost all of the 53 Spanish biosphere reserves.

Mari Carmen Romera, coordinator of the UNESCOMED Center, participated as a guest at the Council's working sessions, and presented to the Spanish managers the activity and perspectives of the UNESCOMED Center, as well as the different projects underway and the latest news on the Thematic Network of Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves (MedMaB Network).

The 21st meeting, which all agree has been crucial for the network and its member biosphere reserves, highlights the key role and potential of the RERB to positively influence the major environmental challenges currently impacting many of the Spanish biosphere reserves. Some of these major socio-environmental, economic and management issues are forest fires or the energy model, including recent dynamics in the wind and photovoltaic sectors.

The RERB working sessions have also served, among others, to renew its governing body, ratify the research plan and the system of indicators, discuss about youth and monitor the implementation of the EU's Next Generation Funds in the different autonomous communities.

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