
Inauguration of the Montserrat Choir School stairway-museum

Midday today saw the inauguration of the new Montserrat Choir School stairway-museum, which has been subsidised by the infrastructure corporation abertis. The event was attended by the Abbot of Montserrat, Josep M. Soler, who was accompanied by the abertis Managing Director Salvador Alemany, the corporation’s Company Secretary Joan Artur Margenat, the Director of Institutional Relations and Quality Ricard Maxenchs and the Manager of the Fundació Castellet del Foix, Sagrario Huelin, in addition to Josep Sinca, the Director-General of the Fundació Abadia de Montserrat 2025, the Foundation which traditionally receives the subsidies from the corporation.

The new Montserrat Choir School stairway-museum, financed by abertis, features a display of antique instruments belonging to the Choir School –some of them restored– set in Perspex cabinets; there are also frescos on the walls, with motifs taken from the Llibre Vermell de Montserrat (the Red Book of Montserrat), as well as reproductions of photographs of altar boys from the end of nineteenth century.

At the foot of the stairs is a plaque commemorating the inauguration of this stairway-museum, unveiled by the Abbot of Montserrat and the Managing Director of abertis.

abertis aims to be Spain’s leading private transport and communications infrastructure management corporation. The abertis group is made up of more than 60 directly-managed or associate companies operating in the motorway, car parking, logistics area promotion, telecommunications infrastructures and airport sectors. It is one of Europe’s leading motorway operators in terms of kilometres under management and stock market capitalisation, and the continent’s leading global infrastructures management-oriented business organisation in terms of net worth.

La Fundació Abadia de Montserrat 2025 will include the abertis corporate image as one of its members, including its graphical presence and mentioning its name in the area of Montserrat reserved for its Partner Members, as well as in other documents, articles and advertisement published in the future.


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