
Abertis Infraestructuras to be included in the Dow Jones Stoxx Sustainability Index

Abertis Infraestructuras, the infrastructures management corporation resulting from the merger of Acesa and Aurea, will be included for the first time in the selective Dow Jones Stoxx Sustainability index, made up of 178 companies from 13 European countries. The changes in the index will be effective from 22 September. The selection is made from those companies included in the Dow Jones Stoxx 600, one of the stock indexes of reference internationally.

The Dow Jones Sustainability Index was created in 1999, with the aim of including the most profitable European companies/stocks in their sectors that included criteria of sustainability in their management. The companies selected are committed to achieving sustainable growth and creating value for the shareholder in the medium and long-term, meeting strict economic, social and environmental criteria.

The Annual Report of the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes (DJSI) influences the investment decisions of a good number of equity managers who have used the family of the DJSI as objective points of reference for portfolios focused on sustainability.

Abertis Infraestructuras’ sustainability strategy is developed by promoting social responsibility across its various internal categories in the following areas:

1. Corporate management

Applying innovation as a strategy to stimulate the activity of the group; transparency with financial markets, investors and shareholders; and Human Resources policies based on the integration and motivation of the people who work in the Group.

2. Infrastructure management

Through the implementation and application of safety systems on the groups’ infrastructures and the study and development of management systems that respect the environment.

Abertis Infraestructuras, which is part of the selective Ibex-35 index in Spain, is also included in other important international indexes, such as the Standard & Poor’s Europe 350 and the Eurotop 300. The performance of the share in 2003 has been positive, as in the previous two years, with a gain of 9.81%.


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